High-density cassette with 6 MPO adapters

Product Code: LAN-MCCx-6MPO/x

High-density cassette with 6 MPO adapters

The cassette has 6 pass-through MPO adapters on the front side (included in the delivery). Compact cassettes are 12.2 mm thick. Due to such a compact size of the cassettes and the use of special enclosures (LAN-FOBM-12MCC-1U and LAN-FOBM-48MCC-4U) a high port density is achieved.

Adapters are pass-through sockets and are used for precise centering of connector tips and for fixing connectors pressed against each other. Pass-through adapters provide connection of two MPO connectors allow interconnecting MPO-MPO cable trunks or breakout cable assembles.

Highly efficient modular solution supports future-oriented 40 and 100 Gigabit Ethernet transmission speeds. Convenient design and a complete set of modular components ensure that the system is easy to maintain and upgrade. To connect new elements you do not need a special tool or the involvement of skilled technicians. These factors are especially important for SCS in Data Centers.

Product descriptions are listed according to the available information at the time of publication. Product specifications can be changed without advanced notification. More detailed and exact information can be obtained from the official partners and distributors of LANMASTER.

Model range (3)

Code Name
LAN-MCCB-6MPO High-density cassette with 6 MPO adapters type B (Key-up/Key-up) Add to list
LAN-MCCA-6MPO High-density cassette with 6 MPO adapters type A (Key-up/Key-down) Add to list
LAN-MCCB-6MPO/OM4 High-density cassette with 6 MPO adapters OM4 type B Add to list